Save your sanity and your budget with these easy tips!
Splurge on the essentials.
Right now, there is nothing that feels more important than making your wedding absolutely perfect. It can be tempting to say yes to all the little details to set your wedding apart from everyone else. But in reality, this is just day one of a life filled with many marvelous memories. Spend your money on the things that are most important: hire the photographer of your dreams, get the perfect wedding gown, say yes to those dream shoes, but skip the embossed napkins! No one needs to go into debt over something that will end up in the trash before the night is over! Instead, focus on creating an enjoyable experience for your guest. Your friends and family will remember how you made them feel long after they have forgotten the cake with lemon curd filling and iced Italian buttercream.

Get that dress that you’ve been reaming about!
Skip the customs that don’t matter to you.
Does the thought of your groom dancing provocatively across the room towards you to remove your garter with his teeth make your left eye twitch? Don’t do it. Does having all your single friends, most of whom don’t enjoy their single status being shoved out on display, line up to catch your wilting bouquet make you cringe? Just skip it! The beautiful thing about your wedding is it is yours to do with as you like. There might be pressure and pushback from people that have come to expect these rituals to be observed but hold your ground and do what makes you happy. There is no wrong way to celebrate YOUR wedding.

The beautiful thing about your wedding is it is yours to do with as you like. There is no wrong way to celebrate YOUR wedding.
Don’t go crazy on your wedding registry.
Keep it simple. It can be fun to wander the aisles of Bed Bath and Beyond, wielding that pricing gun, zapping any item that looks fun to have! But as good as brilliant as that personal cupcake maker might seem at the time, you still have to find a spot for it in your new kitchen. More often than not, your lovingly purchased wedding gifts are going to make their way to the garage or basement to await the next cleaning purge. Instead, choose items that you know that you will love and use in your home. Wedding gifts are an opportunity to feel loved by your friends and family long after your wedding day is over. I could be wrong, but I am guessing a dark basement cupboard isn’t bringing the love.

Keep it simple!
Get a tracking app for your wedding budget!
I should probably move this one to the top of the list! All those little items add up. Upgrade your invitation to include foil inserts? Yes, please! Add an album to your wedding package? Of course! (No seriously, really add an album. It’s important!) But each yes comes with a dollar sign right after it. Get an app like Appy Couple ( or check out this list of other options to find one that is the perfect fit for you!) to keep track of all things wedding, but most importantly, stay on top of that budget. There is nothing that will add stress to your wedding planning process than running out of money! No matter if your budget is $10,000 or $100,0000, skip the things that don’t make you giddy about your wedding day and spend money on the things that do!
Don’t be afraid to say no to friends.
Part of having a successfully run wedding is the ability to delegate. But, assigning tasks can often invite unwanted advice. They probably have your best interests at heart, but don’t let their experiences negatively color your decisions. Undoubtedly, you will have many offers for your friend’s brother’s little sister’s ex-boyfriend who can do ________for your wedding. These well-meaning offers might result in something amazing, but more often than not, end up as a massive headache. Use vendors that you have vetted and trust on your wedding day. Save that friend favors for events less important than your wedding!
With my years of photographing weddings, I have seen many ways to cut stress, make budget-friendly decisions and still enjoy your wedding day. Drop us all a note below if you have a tip that you swear by for planning a wedding. I’d love to add to this list with ideas from all of you!

It’s all about you!
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